Number Format, JavaScript Programming Example of Number Format in SpreadSheet

JavaScript Programming Example of Number Format in SpreadSheet

See how you can customize the way numbers look. Check out a free coding sample below.

JS Code

    toolbar: "full",
    data: math_data_simple

  $$("ssheet").setFormat(2,2,"[>1000]> 0.0;[>100]Check 0,000.0#;[=0]Nope");
  $$("ssheet").setFormat(2,3,"[>1000]> 0.0;[>100]Check 0,000.0#;[=0]Nope");
  $$("ssheet").setFormat(3,2,"[>1000][red];[>100][green]0.0;[blue] Small");


  var math_data_simple = {
  "styles": [    
	["top","#FFEFEF;#6E6EFF;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;17px;"],						
	["subtop","#818181;#EAEAEA;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;"],
	["count","#818181;#EAEAEA;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;;;;"],
	["calc-top","#818181;#EAEAEA;;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;"],
	["calc-other","#818181;#EAEAEA;;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;"]
  "data": [   
	[1, 1, "Countries:", "subtop"],
		[2, 1, "France", "count"],
		[3, 1, "Poland", "count"],
		[4, 1, "China", "count"],
	[1, 2, "April", "count"],
		[2, 2, 1366],
		[3, 2, 684],
		[4, 2, 8142],						
	[1, 3, "May", "count"],
		[2, 3, 842],
		[3, 3, 781],
		[4, 3, 7813],					
	[1, 4, "June", "count"],
		[2, 4, 903],
		[3, 4, 549],
		[4, 4, 7754],						
	[1, 5, "July", "count"],
		[2, 5, 806],
		[3, 5, 978],
		[4, 5, 8199],						
	[1, 6, "Total:", "calc-top"],
		[2, 6, "=SUM(B2:E2)"],
		[3, 6, "=SUM(B3:E3)"],
		[4, 6, "=SUM(B4:E4)"],	
	[1, 7, "Std Deviation:", "calc-top"],
		[2, 7, "=STDEVP(B2:E2)"],
		[3, 7, "=STDEVP(B3:E3)"],
		[4, 7, "=STDEVP(B4:E4)"]
	[0, 7, 130],						
	[0, 8, 200]

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