Toolbar with All Buttons, JavaScript Programming Example of Toolbar with All Buttons in SpreadSheet

JavaScript Programming Example of Toolbar with All Buttons in SpreadSheet

This programming example shows how you can enable the "full" toolbar mode when all available buttons are shown. Feel free to use this piece of code to accelerate your web app development. Note, you can download any coding samples in this section at no cost.

JS Code

  data: base_data,
  toolbar: "full"


    /* in order to see the entire toolbar */
    body.webix_full_screen {
    	overflow: scroll;
  var base_data = {
    "styles": [
      ["top","#FFEFEF;#6E6EFF;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;17px;"],						
      ["subtop","#818181;#EAEAEA;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;"],
      ["sales","#818181;;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;"],
      ["total","#818181;;right;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;"],
      ["count","#818181;#EAEAEA;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;;;;"],
      ["calc-top","#818181;#EAEAEA;;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;"],
      ["calc-other","#818181;#EAEAEA;;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;"],
      ["values","#000;#fff;right;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;;;;;price"]
    "sizes": [
    "data": [
      [1,1,"Report - July 2016","top"],    
      [2,3,"Sales - Group A","sales"],
      [2,4,"Sales - Group B","sales"],
    "spans": [