The programming example below can give you a nice possibility to add and remove cards in Kanban Board. Don't miss the chance to use free coding samples by Webix for your web development projects.
webix.ready(function(){ webix.CustomScroll.init(); webix.ui({ rows:[ { paddingY:7, paddingX:10, margin: 7, cols:[ { }, { view: "button", type: "danger", label: "Remove selected", width: 150, click:() => { var id = $$("myBoard").getSelectedId(); if(!id){ return webix.alert("Please selected a card that you want to remove!"); } $$("myBoard").remove(id); }}, { view: "button", type: "form", label: "Add new card", width: 150, click:() => { $$("myBoard").showEditor(); }} ] }, { view:"kanban", type:"space", id: "myBoard", cols:[ { header:"Backlog", body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"new" }}, { header:"In Progress", body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"work" }}, { header:"Testing", body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"test" }}, { header:"Done", body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"done" }} ], userList:true, editor:true, data: full_task_set, tags: tags_set, users: users_set } ] }); });
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> <script> var tags_set = [ {id:1, value:"webix"}, {id:2, value:"jet"}, {id:3, value:"easy"}, {id:4, value:"hard"}, {id:5, value:"kanban"}, {id:6, value:"docs"}, ]; var imgPath = "//"; var users_set = [ {id:1, value:"Rick Lopes", image:imgPath+"/common/imgs/1.jpg"}, {id:2, value:"Martin Farrell", image:imgPath+"/common/imgs/2.jpg"}, {id:3, value:"Douglass Moore", image:imgPath+"/common/imgs/3.jpg"}, {id:4, value:"Eric Doe", image:imgPath+"/common/imgs/4.jpg"}, {id:5, value:"Sophi Elliman", image:imgPath+"/common/imgs/5.jpg"}, {id:6, value:"Anna O'Neal"}, {id:7, value:"Marcus Storm", image:imgPath+"/common/imgs/7.jpg"}, {id:8, value:"Nick Branson", image:imgPath+"/common/imgs/8.jpg"}, {id:9, value:"CC", image:imgPath+"/common/imgs/9.jpg"} ]; var full_task_set = [ { id:1, status:"new", text:"Test new authentification service", tags:[1,2,3], comments:[1,2,3] }, { id:2, status:"work", user_id: 5, text:"Performance tests", tags:[1], comments:[2,3] }, { id:3, status:"work", user_id: 6, text:"Kanban tutorial", tags:[2], comments:[3] }, { id:4, status:"work", user_id: 3, text:"SpreadSheet NodeJS", tags:[3] }, { id:5, status:"test", user_id: 9, text:"Portlets view", tags:[4,2], comments:[1] }, { id:6, status:"new", user_id: 7, text:"Webix Jet tutorial", tags:[4,6] } ]; </script>