You can easily customize Webix SpreadSheet. The coding sample below shows how you can add buttons which allow users to hide headers and gridlines of the table. All coding samples in this section are free.
webix.ready(function(){ var buttons = { padding:4, margin:4, cols:[ { view:"toggle", width:200, onLabel: "Show gridlines", offLabel: "Hide gridlines", on:{ onChange: function(value){ $$("ssheet").hideGridlines(value); } }}, { view:"toggle", width:200, onLabel: "Show headers", offLabel: "Hide headers", on:{ onChange: function(value){ $$("ssheet").hideHeaders(value); } }}, {} ] }; webix.ui({ rows:[ buttons, { view:"spreadsheet", id:"ssheet", toolbar: "full", data:{ data:[ [3,2,"Webix"], [3,3,"SpreadSheet"] ] } } ] }); });