You can specify conditions for cell formatting. The piece of code below shows how you can enable it. Note, you can download this programming example for free.
webix.ready(function(){ function showFormats(){ var formats = $$("ssheet").conditions.serialize(); var text = ""; for(var i =0; i < formats.length; i++){ text += JSON.stringify(formats[i], null,"")+"\r"; } $$("txt").setValue(text); } var buttons = { width:300, view: "form", rows:[ { view:"button", value:"Get conditions", click: showFormats}, { view:"textarea", id:"txt" } ] }; var data = math_data_simple; // conditions in datasource data.conditions = [ [3,6,">",100,"custom_bgcolor"], [3,7,"<",1000,"custom_less"] ]; webix.ui({ cols:[ buttons, { id: "ssheet", view:"spreadsheet", data: data, toolbar: "full", conditionStyle:[ {name: "bold", css: "custom_bold"}, {name: "italic", css: "custom_italic"}, {name: "red", css: "custom_color"}, {name: "highlight", css: "custom_bgcolor"}, {name: "green", css: "custom_less"} ] } ] }); });
<style> .custom_bold { font-weight: bold; } .custom_italic { font-style: italic; } .custom_color { color: red } .custom_bgcolor { background: #f9cb9c; } .custom_less { color: #ffe599; background: #6aa84f; } </style> <script> var math_data_simple = { "styles": [ ["top","#FFEFEF;#6E6EFF;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;17px;"], ["subtop","#818181;#EAEAEA;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;"], ["count","#818181;#EAEAEA;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;;;;"], ["calc-top","#818181;#EAEAEA;;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;"], ["calc-other","#818181;#EAEAEA;;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;"] ], "data": [ [1, 1, "Countries:", "subtop"], [2, 1, "France", "count"], [3, 1, "Poland", "count"], [4, 1, "China", "count"], [1, 2, "April", "count"], [2, 2, 1366], [3, 2, 684], [4, 2, 8142], [1, 3, "May", "count"], [2, 3, 842], [3, 3, 781], [4, 3, 7813], [1, 4, "June", "count"], [2, 4, 903], [3, 4, 549], [4, 4, 7754], [1, 5, "July", "count"], [2, 5, 806], [3, 5, 978], [4, 5, 8199], [1, 6, "Total:", "calc-top"], [2, 6, "=SUM(B2:E2)"], [3, 6, "=SUM(B3:E3)"], [4, 6, "=SUM(B4:E4)"], [1, 7, "Std Deviation:", "calc-top"], [2, 7, "=STDEVP(B2:E2)"], [3, 7, "=STDEVP(B3:E3)"], [4, 7, "=STDEVP(B4:E4)"] ], "sizes":[ [0, 7, 130], [0, 8, 200] ] }; </script>