You will have to serialize your SpreadSheet data If you need to convert it into another programming language for further storage or sharing. See a free coding sample of serialization in Webix SpreadSheet.
function getData(){ var text = JSON.stringify( $$("ss").serialize(), null, " "); $$("txt").setValue( text ); } function setData(){ var data = $$("txt").getValue(); $$("ss").reset(); $$("ss").parse(data); } webix.ready(function(){ var buttons = { width:350, rows:[ { view:"button", value:"Serialize data", click:getData }, { view:"textarea", id:"txt" }, { view:"button", value:"Load data Back", click:setData } ]}; webix.ui({ cols:[ buttons, { view:"spreadsheet", id:"ss", toolbar: "full", data:{ styles: [ [ "blue", "#FFFFFF;#2244DE;" ] ], sizes: [ [ 0, 2, 64 ] ], data: [ [ 3, 2, "Webix", "blue" ], [ 3, 3, "SpreadSheet", "blue" ] ] }, on:{ onAfterLoad: getData } } ] }); });