Try this programming example for creating a flex layout in the form of a dashboard. In this case, flex layout is placed into a fixed layout to ensure a dashboard-like view. You are welcome to use our free code samples or a snippet tool below to create web applications.
webix.ready(function(){ webix.CustomScroll.init(); function random_data(){ var data = []; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) data.push({ ind: i+1, sales: Math.round(Math.random()*5000) }); return data; } function cell(month){ return { minWidth:300, height:400, rows:[ { template:"Report: "+month+" 2016", type:"header" }, { view:"chart", type:"line", preset:"plot", value:"#sales#", xAxis:{ template:"#ind#" }, yAxis:{}, data: random_data() } ] } }; var flex = { margin:10, padding:0, type:"wide", view:"flexlayout", cols:[ cell("January"), cell("February"), cell("March"), cell("April"), cell("May"), cell("June"), cell("July"), cell("August"), cell("September"), cell("October"), cell("November"), cell("December") ] }; webix.ui({ rows:[ { template:"My App", type:"header" }, { cols:[ { view:"scrollview", body:flex }, { view:"resizer" }, { template:"<b>Drag resizer to see flex in action</b>" } ]}, { template:"Status: all data is saved", height:30} ] }); webix.ui.fullScreen(); })