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Item DoubleClick, JavaScript Programming Example of Item DoubleClick in Kanban

JavaScript Programming Example of Item DoubleClick in Kanban

Item Double Click allows the users of Webix Kanban to select items with tasks in the most convenient and familiar way. You can find a free coding sample of how to add Item Double Click to Kanban below.

JS Code

      {  view: "label", label: "You can set a handler for double-click events"},
        id: "myBoard",
        type: "wide",
          onListItemDblClick: function(id,e,node,list){
            webix.message("Item '"+this.getItem(id).text+"' has been double-clicked.");
          { header:"Backlog",
           body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"new"}
          { header:"In Progress",
           body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"work"}
          { header:"Testing",
           body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"test"}
          { header:"Done",
           body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"done"}
        data: base_task_set


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

  var base_task_set =[
	{ id:1, status:"new", text:"Task 1", tags:"webix,docs", comments:[{text:"Comment 1"}, {text:"Comment 2"}] },
	{ id:2, status:"work", text:"Task 2", color:"red", tags:"webix", votes:1, personId: 4  },
	{ id:3, status:"work", text:"Task 3", tags:"webix,docs", comments:[{text:"Comment 1"}], personId: 6 },
	{ id:4, status:"test", text:"Task 4 pending", tags:"webix 2.5", votes:1, personId: 5  },
	{ id:5, status:"new", text:"Task 5", tags:"webix,docs", votes:3  },
	{ id:6, status:"new", text:"Task 6", tags:"webix,kanban", comments:[{text:"Comment 1"}, {text:"Comment 2"}], personId: 2 },
	{ id:7, status:"work", text:"Task 7", tags:"webix", votes:2, personId: 7, image: "image001.png"  },
	{ id:8, status:"work", text:"Task 8", tags:"webix", comments:[{text:"Comment 1"}, {text:"Comment 2"}], votes:5, personId: 4  },
	{ id:9, status:"work", text:"Task 9", tags:"webix", votes:1, personId: 2},
	{ id:10, status:"work", text:"Task 10", tags:"webix", comments:[{text:"Comment 1"}, {text:"Comment 2"}, {text:"Comment 3"}], votes:10, personId:1 },
	{ id:11, status:"work", text:"Task 11", tags:"webix 2.5", votes:3, personId: 8 },
	{ id:12, status:"done", text:"Task 12", votes:2 , personId: 8, image: "image002.png"},
	{ id:13, status:"ready", text:"Task 14",  personId: 8}