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Localization, JavaScript Programming Example of Localization in File Manager

JavaScript Programming Example of Localization in File Manager

Get the programming example below for localizing File Manager according to the peculiarities of a certain language. Don't miss the opportunity to use free Webix coding samples to accelerate and facilitate the process of web development.

JS Code

webix.ready(function() {
  // use custom scrolls, optional

  const fm = {
    view: "filemanager",
    id: "fm1",
    url: "",
    locale: {
      lang: "en",
      webix: {
        // switch all webix widgets to the selected locale
        en: "en-US",
        zh: "zh-CN",
        ru: "ru-RU",
  }; = {
    Files: "Файлы",
    "My Files": "Моя полка",
  fileManager.locales.zh = {
    Files: "檔案",
    "My Files": "我的檔案",

  const toolbar = {
    cols: [
        view: "segmented",
        options: ["en", "ru", "zh"],
        width: 250,
        click: function() {
          const locale = $$("fm1").getService("locale");

    type: "wide",
    rows: [toolbar, fm],

How to localize File Manager according to the specifics of a certain language in File Manager?