Get the code for effortless titles pasting of the DataTree items. With this programming example, you can write a new item's name in a textarea, then press CTRL+C to copy the text. The last step is selecting a node in DataTree and pressing Ctrl+V. Viola! Your item has a new name now. Feel free to use coding samples by Webix.
/* This sample shows how you can copy data from nodes and paste them to other areas. Press Ctrl+C to copy the text in the textarea. Then select some node in Tree and press Ctrl+V */ webix.ui({ rows:[ { height:200, type:"clean", cols:[ { view:"tree", width:300, select: true, clipboard: true, data: [ { id:"1", open:true, value:"The Shawshank Redemption", data:[ { id:"1.1", value:"Part 1" }, { id:"1.2", value:"Part 2" }, { id:"1.3", value:"Part 3" } ]}, { id:"2", value:"The Godfather", data:[ { id:"2.1", value:"Part 1" }, { id:"2.2", value:"Part 2" } ]} ] }, {view:"textarea",value:"New item name",width:300} ]} ] });