Check out our programming example of how you can enable cell locking in SpreadSheet. Feel free to download this piece of code and apply it to your app.
webix.ready(function(){ var placeholders = [ { id: 1, value:"France", expense:1366, income:842 }, { id: 2, value:"Poland", expense:684, income:781 }, { id: 3, value:"China", expense:8142, income:7813 } ]; var ssheet = { view:"spreadsheet", id:"ssheet", data:{ "styles": [ ["top","#FFEFEF;#6E6EFF;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;17px;"], ["subtop","#818181;#EAEAEA;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;0-0-0-0,;"], ["count","#818181;#EAEAEA;center;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;;;;0-0-0-0,;"], ["calc-top","#818181;#EAEAEA;;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;0-0-0-0,;"], ["calc-other","#818181;#EAEAEA;;'PT Sans', Tahoma;15px;;;bold;;;0-0-0-0,;"] ], "data": [ [1, 1, "Report 2015", "top"], [2, 1, "Countries:", "subtop"], [3, 1, "=", "count"], [2, 2, "Expense", "count"], [3, 2, "="], [2, 3, "Income", "count"], [3, 3, "="], [2, 6, "Total:", "calc-top"], [3, 6, "=B3-C3"], [2, 7, "Std Deviation:", "calc-top"], [3, 7, "=STDEVP(B3:C3)"] ], "spans": [ [1, 1, 3, 1] ], "sizes":[ [0, 7, 130], [0, 8, 200], [0, 5, 20], [0, 4, 20] ] } }; var list = { view: "form", rows:[ { view: "label", label: "Select placeholder" }, { view:"list", width: 200, borderless: true, autoheight: true, select:true, data:placeholders, on:{ onAfterSelect:function(id){ var obj = this.getItem(id); $$("ssheet").setPlaceholder(obj); } }, ready: function(){; } }, {} ] }; webix.ui({ cols:[ list, ssheet ] }); });