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Complex status (Swimlanes) in Kanban, JavaScript Programming Example of Complex status (Swimlanes) in Kanban

JavaScript Programming Example of Complex status (Swimlanes) in Kanban

The coding sample below allows implementing swimlanes in Kanban Board. Take the opportunity to use free programming examples by Webix for your web development projects.

JS Code


    id: "board",
      { header:"Backlog",
       body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"new", name:"Backlog"}},
      { header:"In progress",
       body:{ margin:0, padding:8, rows:[
         { view:"kanbanheader", label:"Development", type:"sub", icon:"mdi mdi-code-tags"},
         { view:"kanbanlist", status:{ status: "work", team: 1 }, name:"Development"},
         { view:"kanbanheader", label:"Design", type:"sub", icon:"mdi mdi-pencil"},
         { view:"kanbanlist", status:{ status: "work", team: 2 }, name:"Design"}

      { header:"Test",
       body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"test" }},

      { header:"Done",
       body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"done" }}
    data: team_task_set,


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">
  var team_task_set =[
	{ id:1, status:"new", text:"Test new authentification service", tags:"webix", comments:[{text:"Comment 1"}, {text:"Comment 2"}] },
	{ id:2, status:"work", team: 1, text:"Kanban tutorial", color:"red", tags:"webix,docs"  },
	{ id:3, status:"work", team: 2, text:"New skin", tags:"webix"},
	{ id:4, status:"work", team: 1, text:"SpreadSheet NodeJS", tags:"webix 3.0"  },
	{ id:5, status:"test", text:"Portlets view", tags:"webix 2.5"  }