The coding sample below allows implementing swimlanes in Kanban Board. Take the opportunity to use free programming examples by Webix for your web development projects.
webix.ready(function(){ webix.CustomScroll.init(); webix.ui({ view:"kanban", id: "board", cols:[ { header:"Backlog", body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"new", name:"Backlog"}}, { header:"In progress", body:{ margin:0, padding:8, rows:[ { view:"kanbanheader", label:"Development", type:"sub", icon:"mdi mdi-code-tags"}, { view:"kanbanlist", status:{ status: "work", team: 1 }, name:"Development"}, { view:"kanbanheader", label:"Design", type:"sub", icon:"mdi mdi-pencil"}, { view:"kanbanlist", status:{ status: "work", team: 2 }, name:"Design"} ]} }, { header:"Test", body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"test" }}, { header:"Done", body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"done" }} ], data: team_task_set, editor:true }); });
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//"> <script> var team_task_set =[ { id:1, status:"new", text:"Test new authentification service", tags:"webix", comments:[{text:"Comment 1"}, {text:"Comment 2"}] }, { id:2, status:"work", team: 1, text:"Kanban tutorial", color:"red", tags:"webix,docs" }, { id:3, status:"work", team: 2, text:"New skin", tags:"webix"}, { id:4, status:"work", team: 1, text:"SpreadSheet NodeJS", tags:"webix 3.0" }, { id:5, status:"test", text:"Portlets view", tags:"webix 2.5" } ]; </script>