If you want to place different HTML-elements onto cards of the Kanban Board, check out the coding example below. Don't hesitate to use free programming samples by Webix to create custom business web applications.
webix.type(webix.ui.kanbanlist,{ name: "cards", icons:[ {icon: "mdi mdi-comment" , show: function(obj){ return !!obj.comments }, template:"#comments.length#"}, {icon: "mdi mdi-pencil"} ], // avatar template templateAvatar: function(obj){ if(obj.personId){ var name = ""; for(var i = 0; i < staff.length && !name; i++){ if(staff[i].id == obj.personId){ name = staff[i].name; } } return '<img class="avatar" src="https://docs.webix.com/samples/63_kanban/common/imgs/'+obj.personId+'.jpg" title="'+name+'" />'; } return "<span class='webix_icon mdi mdi-account'></span>"; }, // template for item body // show item image and text templateBody: function(obj){ var html = ""; if(obj.image) html += "<img class='image' src='https://docs.webix.com/samples/63_kanban/common/imgs/attachments/"+obj.image+"'/>"; html += "<div>"+obj.text+"</div>"; return html; } }); webix.ready(function(){ webix.CustomScroll.init(); webix.ui({ view:"kanban", cols:[ { header:"Backlog", body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"new", type: "cards" }}, { header:"In Progress", body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"work", type: "cards"} }, { header:"Testing", body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"test", type: "cards" }}, { header:"Done", body:{ view:"kanbanlist", status:"done", type: "cards" }} ], data: base_task_set }); });
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://docs.webix.com/samples/63_kanban/common/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//cdn.webix.com/materialdesignicons/5.8.95/css/materialdesignicons.min.css"> <script src="https://docs.webix.com/samples/63_kanban/common/data.js?v=6.1.2"></script> <script src="https://docs.webix.com/samples/63_kanban/common/types.js?v=6.1.2"></script>