Try our JavaScript programming example below to customize icons in DataTree. This piece of code will enable you to create a stylized DataTree type with custom icons. Don't miss the opportunity to make use of free coding samples by Webix to develop your own web applications.
/* You can provide custom icons for the tree nodes. */ var data_with_icon = [ { id:"root", value:"Films data", image:"home", open:true, data:[ { id:"1", open:true, image:"rss", value:"The Shawshank", data:[ { id:"1.1", image:"puzzle", value:"Part 1" } ]} ]} ]; webix.ui({ height:400, rows:[ {cols:[ { view:"tree", type:"lineTree", select:true, template:"{common.icon()} <img src='//' style='float:left; margin:3px 4px 0px 1px;'> #value#", data: webix.copy(data_with_icon) }, { view:"tree", type:"lineTree", select:true, template:"{common.icon()} {common.folder()}<img src='//' style='float:right; margin:3px 4px 0px 1px;'> #value#", data: webix.copy(data_with_icon) }, { view:"tree", type:"lineTree", select:true, template:function(obj, com){ var icon = obj.$count ? com.folder(obj, com) : ("<img src='//"+obj.image+".png' style='float:left; margin:3px 4px 0px 1px;'>"); return com.icon(obj, com) + icon + obj.value; }, data: webix.copy(data_with_icon) } ]} ] });