Get a JavaScript programming example for merging cells horizontally in TreeTable. This JavaScript code sample will enable a single table cell to span the width of more than one cell or column within the TreeTable. Feel free to make use of our coding samples or a snippet tool below to create effective web applications.
var grida = { view:"treetable", columns:[ { id:"id", header:"", css:{"text-align":"right"}, width:50 }, { id:"value", header:"Film title", fillspace:true, template:"{common.treetable()} #value#" }, { id:"chapter", header:"Mode", width:200 } ], autoheight:true, scroll:false, data: [ { "id":"1", "$row":"value", "value":"The Shawshank Redemption", "open":true, "data":[ { "id":"1.1", "value":"Part 1", "chapter":"alpha"}, { "id":"1.2", "value":"Part 2", "chapter":"beta", "open":true, "data":[ { "id":"1.2.1", "value":"Part 1", "chapter":"beta-twin"}, { "id":"1.2.2", "value":"Part 1", "chapter":"beta-twin"} ]}, { "id":"1.3", "value":"Part 3", "chapter":"gamma" } ]}, { "id":"2", "$row":"value", "value":"The Godfather", "data":[ { "id":"2.1", "value":"Part 1", "chapter":"alpha" }, { "id":"2.2", "value":"Part 2", "chapter":"beta" } ]} ] }; webix.ready(function(){ webix.ui({ padding:10, rows:[ { template:"<b>Colspan in grid</b>", height:40 }, grida, {} ] }); });