Get this JavaScript programming example that allows creating complex layouts for web applications. Don't miss the opportunity to use other free coding samples by Webix for your web development projects.
var count = 0; function config(obj, mode, level, size){ var set = obj[mode] = []; obj.margin = level*2; var nextmode = (mode == "rows") ? "cols" : "rows"; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (level) set[i] = config({ type:"wide" }, nextmode, level-1, size); else set[i] = { template:"-" }; } count += size; return obj; } //high precision performance counters var performance = window.performance || Date; var ui = config({}, "rows", 10, 2) var start =; webix.ui(ui); webix.delay(function(){ var end =; webix.message(count + "views<br>" + Math.round((end-start)*100)/100+"ms") })