Do you want to create a flexible layout for your future web app? Don't hesitate to use this programming example by Webix. It will help you adjust your app to any screen size. You are welcome to make use of our free code samples for your web development projects.
webix.ready(function(){ if (webix.CustomScroll && !webix.env.touch) webix.CustomScroll.init(); var flex = { margin:10, padding:0, type:"wide", view:"flexlayout", cols:[ { view:"list", data:[ { value:"Albert Brown" },{ value:"Mono Delorini" },{ value:"Sergey Bobrovski" }, { value:"Mikita Alaev" } ], minWidth:320, select:true }, { view:"list", data:[ { value:"Accounts" },{ value:"History" },{ value:"Settings" } ], minWidth:320, select:true }, { template:"Try to resize screen, or open this sample on a mobile device", minWidth:320, minHeight:600, scroll:false }, { template:"column 3", minWidth:320, minHeight:600, scroll:false } ] }; webix.ui({ rows:[ { template:"My App", type:"header" }, { cols:[ { view:"scrollview", body:flex }, { view:"resizer" }, { } ]}, { template:"Status: all data is saved", height:30} ] }); })