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JavaScript Side Menu UI widget

JavaScript side menu widget allows creating menus based on windows and bind them to a particular side of the screen. You can show or hide Side Menu by clicking the dedicated button. Using this widget, you can provide users with access to the frequently used functions of your app while saving space on the screen.

live demo

Click 'menu' icon to show a menu
  • Integration: jQuery, Angular, React, Vue.js, Backbone
  • Support of All Modern browsers
  • Ready for Touch Devices
  • Meets Section 508
  • Quick styling with CSS

Menu position

You can set the position of a side menu window using a single property. The available options are left, right, top, and bottom sides of the screen.

Click 'menu' icon to open a menu

Width and height

If you set the right or left position for the side menu widget, it will automatically adjust its height to the screen height. Similarly, if the side menu window appears from the top or bottom of the screen, it will adjust its width to the screen width. If needed, you can set the required width and height values manually.

Click 'menu' icon to show a menu